Quick Start Instructions

Welcome to the DQG Forecasting App. Getting started is as simple as 1-2-3:
  • Prepare your data.
  • Upload your data.
  • View your forecasts.
Quick start instructions are provided below. If you get stuck please contact us. More detailed instructions are also available here.

Prepare Your Data

Populate our simple template with your historic data using your favorite spreadsheet program. You can download an example template with data here.
Fig1. Our data template with example data.
Fig2. Screenshot of the Excel "save as" dialogue.

Upload Your Data

Click on the 'New Uploads' menu item under 'Uploads' to be taken to the screen below. Now simply upload the data prepared in step 1 above. Alternatively just upload the example file which we have already prepared for you. You can get the file here.

View Your Forecasts